Broadway Genesis Project Creates Jobs, Boosts Local Economy

The world premiere of Wonderland: Alice's New Musical Adventure at the David A. Straz, Jr. Center for the Performing Arts (formerly Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center) was featured from Nov. 24, 2009 thru Jan. 3, 2010. Wonderland was the first initiative of the Straz Center's Broadway Genesis Project and it is estimated that the local economic impact is more than $8.1 million.

"We've always known that the arts impact lives in positive ways," says Judy Lisi, president and CEO of the Straz Center. "We're especially thrilled that Wonderland has been not just a cultural success, but also an economic boom as well."

Since early October 2009, more than 50 designers, musicians, performers and crew acclimated themselves to Tampa and began spending money in restaurants, markets and shops during their stay. Families, friends and fans worldwide have booked more than 10,000 room nights in local hotels since the start of the production, and an estimated $1.4 million has been garnered in local and state tax revenue as a result of their direct spending.

Nearly 750 full and part-time jobs have been impacted by the Wonderland production, and sets, costumes and props were all manufactured in the area, which adds additional economic influence to Tampa.

Write: Nancy Vaughn
Source: Judy Lisi

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